Promoting and Standardizing Youth Safeguarding in Jewish Organizations
Aleinu, meaning “it’s on us,” is a do-it-yourself toolkit that provides Jewish youth-serving organizations with the education and practical tools they need to create robust youth-safeguarding practices.
Aleinu prepares Jewish organizations to prevent youth maltreatment within their institutions and be prepared to take responsible actions should instances or suspicions of maltreatment emerge.
As Rabbi Tarfon says in Pirkei Avot 2:15, the day is short, and the work is plentiful,
הַיּוֹם קָצָר וְהַמְּלָאכָה מְרֻבָּה
so let’s begin.
Aleinu’s Reach
Children & Teens
Cities Reached
Aleinu’s 10 Best Practices:
This toolkit is organized into 10 Best Practices – each one full of resources to support your organization in implementing one critical aspect of this effort. Collectively, they offer a roadmap for youth safeguarding.
Form a Youth Safeguarding Committee
1. Organize
Create Opportunities
for Community Dialogue
2. Engage
Screen Employees and Volunteers
3. Screen
Assess your Space
4. Assess
Implement Guidelines for Interacting with Youth
5. Implement
Form a Youth Safeguarding Committee
1. Organize
Create Opportunities
for Community Dialogue
2. Engage
Screen Employees and Volunteers
3. Screen
Assess your Space
4. Assess
Implement Guidelines for Interacting with Youth
5. Implement
Train Adults in Safeguarding Practices
6. Train
Support Victim Survivors
7. Support
Protocols for Responding to Youth Maltreatment
8. Respond
Engage Youth in Safeguarding Efforts
9. Empower
Mantain & Evaluate your Youth Safeguarding Program
10. Sustain
Train Adults in Safeguarding Practices
6. Train
Support Victim Survivors
7. Support
Protocols for Responding to Youth Maltreatment
8. Respond
Engage Youth in Safeguarding Efforts
9. Empower
Mantain & Evaluate your Youth Safeguarding Program
10. Sustain
Jewish organizations committed to improving their youth safeguarding practices.
Our communities care about making our institutions places where youth are safe and nurtured. They need the tools and resources to guide and support their efforts.
Using this ever-growing bank of critical resources, Jewish organizations across the United States work simultaneously to promote meaningful shifts in our youth’s Jewish communal experiences.