View all Best Practices

Select A Best Practice to View:

  • 1. Form a Child Safety Committee
  • 2. Create Opportunities for Community Dialogue
  • 3. Screen Employees and Volunteers
  • 4. Assess your Space
  • 5. Implement Guidelines for Interacting with Youth
  • 6. Train Adults
  • 7. Support Victim-Survivors
  • 8. Develop Protocols for Responding
  • 9. Empower Youth
  • 10. Maintain & Evaluate your Child Safety Program

Form a Child Safety Committee

הָפֵר מַחֲשָׁבוֹת בְּאֵין סוֹד וּבְרֹב יוֹעֲצִים תָּקוּם

Plans are foiled for want of counsel, but they succeed through many advisers. (Proverbs 15:22)

Why Form a Child Safety Committee?

Best Practice 1: Form a Child Safety Committee is the starting point for this campaign because, simply put, the success of child safety is dependent upon people who prioritize and engage in this work. Forming a Child Safety Committee is part of Aleinu’s theory of change to build capacity from within organizations. The book of Proverbs shares that multiple advisors help plans succeed, and this Committee is a central group that coordinates communication with multiple stakeholders. In addition to inviting communal participation, the Committee enacts checks and balances to avoid overly centralizing decision-making power around this sensitive topic. Completing this Best Practice requires achieving three goals: recruiting a Committee, onboarding them to their work, and setting up Committee procedures. This Best Practice includes practical resources, such as a Committee training video and sample policy language on role composition and proceedings of the Committee.

A Child Safety Committee Includes the Following Steps:

  • Goal


    Recruit your Committee
  • Goal


    Onboard your Committee
  • Goal


    Establish Procedures for your Committee

Tools to Guide You in Implementation:

    Pre-Practice Survey
    Video: Voices from the Field
    Worksheet: Recruit your Committee
    FAQ: Committee Member Recruitment
    Sample: Committee Member Recruitment Email
    Guide: Onboard your Committee
    Sample: Prayer and Intention Setting
    Facilitator's Guide & Handout: Training Video (Overview of Child Maltreatment)
    Training Video: Overview of Child Maltreatment
    Introduce the Committee to Jewish Resources
    Worksheet: Committee Procedures
    Sample: Policy Language on Committee Role, Composition, and Proceedings
    Post-Practice Survey

Join the Campaign Today.

By joining the Aleinu campaign you will receive access to our do-it-yourself toolkit containing resources for adopting and implementing best practices to promote the safety of children in your care. Your youth-serving organization will join other organizations all working to implement two or more best practices each year over the next five years.

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